Meesho Supplier Panel

Meesho, a prominent e-commerce platform in India, has introduced the concept of utilizing social media channels for product sales. The central concept behind the Meesho is to procure goods directly from producers and resell them to customers, generating a profit margin. Resellers utilizing the Meesho supplier panel India can promote their products on social media platforms to engage potential customers. This concept has evolved into a cohesive platform catering to the middle-class demographic. Entrepreneurs can initiate their business ventures from the convenience of their homes without any initial financial inputs. Currently, the Meesho online business platform has a substantial number of merchants, over one crore. These sellers operate within established categories, including clothes, kitchen and home furnishings, and various lifestyle items. I’m sure, after reading this, you are also keen to know how to start a business on Meesho. And what is the Meesho Supplier Panel? This article discusses all the questions that may arise in your mind. You need to pay attention till the end of this article.

What is the Meesho Supplier Panel?

The Meesho Supplier Panel is a web-based platform that allows suppliers to manage their online business on Meesho. It is a one-stop solution for suppliers to list their products, manage orders, track shipments, and view payments. The Meesho Supplier Panel is designed to be easy to use, even for suppliers new to online selling. It features a simple and intuitive interface, and Meesho provides 24/7 support to help suppliers troubleshoot any problems they may face.

What are the Key Features Of Meesho Supplier Panel?

  • Commission rate is 0: Meesho does not charge any commission on sales, so suppliers keep 100% of their profits.
  • Transportation cost is minimal And Traceable: Meesho offers the lowest shipping costs in India, which helps suppliers to keep their prices competitive.
  • Trackable One-Week Payment Cycle: Suppliers receive payments directly into their bank accounts within 7 days of order delivery.
  • Accessible product listing: Suppliers can easily list their products on Meesho by uploading a CSV file or using the Meesho Supplier Panel’s built-in product listing tool.
  • Centralized Order Management: The Meesho Supplier Panel provides a centralized view of all orders, including order status, shipping details, and customer information.

How to Start the Meesho Supplier Panel

The Meesho Supplier Panel is a powerful tool that can help suppliers to grow their online business. It is easy to use and provides a variety of features to help suppliers manage their products, orders, shipments, and payments. The Procedure of starting a business Meesho Supplier is relatively easy. First, create a Meesho Supplier Panel login account with unique business credentials. Once the login procedure is completed, you’ll move to the second step, where you will find the following options.

Click Here To Make a Meesho Supplier Panel login

  • Catalog: In the Catalog, the user lists products and manages your product catalog.
  • Orders: To review your orders and manage orders as per their requirement. To view your orders, click on the “Orders” option. You can view all of your orders, pending orders, and completed orders. You can filter your orders by date, product category, and status.
  • Shipments: This is where you can track the status of your shipments. To track the status of your shipments, click on the “Shipments” option. You can view the status of your shipments, including the shipment date, delivery date, and tracking number.
  • Payments: This is where you can view and manage your payments. To view and manage your payments, click on the “Payments” option. You can view your payments, including the payment date, amount, and status.

How to Make a Catalog

In the catalog, the seller has to register the products. To list a product, click the “Catalog” option and the “Add Product” button. Enter the required product information and click the “Add Product” button to list your product. In the Catalog, a seller can upload from 1 to 9 products. But here, you must ensure that only 1 type of product can be uploaded in the one catalog. For example, if you make a catalog of t-shirts, you can list the only t-shirts up to 8.  To list a product, you need to provide the following information:

  • Product name
  • Product Description
  • Product pictures
  • Product price
  • Product quantity
  • Product category
  • Product demographics

How To Manage Orders?

This is crucial to manage your orders smartly and perfectly. Once your catalog is ready and uploaded, it is visible to the customers, which they like and share on different social media channels and get more traffic. To manage your orders, you ensure the following points:

  1. Catalog Verity: The catalog verity is the first impression and introduction of your business. As much as your catalog is filled and attractive, your product will be like more. So be focused on it.
  2. Quick Delivery: Meesho also offers quick delivery services. The seller must opt for this facility to complete your order as soon as possible.
  3. Sell Products at economical rates: The rate is the point at which the buyer decides whether to buy the product. So, always keep your orders at an affordable and economical rate.

How To Get Payment From Meesho Supplier Panel?

Meesho offers multiple payment options, including both online and offline means. Irrespective of the mode of payment, whether online or offline, the payment will be disbursed to you on the 15th day after the completion of the delivery. Additionally, it is possible to go to the Supplier panel to obtain further details regarding your payment.

FAQ’s About Meesho Supplier Account

What are the distinguishing features of the Meesho Supplier Account?

Meesho believes the obligation of shipping and delivery is provided at no cost to the clients. Meesho establishes partnerships with reliable logistics providers to facilitate the delivery of products to customers across India. Resellers should be concerned with something other than the logistical aspects or the delivery process. Furthermore, this service is provided at no charge.

What Sells Most On Meesho?

  • Kids garments.
  • Fashion accessories for men and women along with Jewellery.
  • Footwear, Beauty & Personal Care Products.
  • Electronics And IT Appliances
  • Home decor and improvement products.
  • Kitchen accessories and appliances.

What is the drawback of Meesho?

Some of Meesho’s fundamental shortcomings are as follows: Low-Quality items: Because most of Meesho’s suppliers are local and not registered brands, the quality of the end items could be much higher. There is no free website for resellers: Most of Meesho’s competitors, such as GlowRoad, Shop101, and others.03-Apr-2022

To Whom Meesho Supplier Target?

The primary demographic that Meesho caters to consists of women residing in India actively seeking flexible and convenient avenues to generate income in their homes. The Meesho platform facilitates the entrepreneurial pursuits of individuals by enabling them to establish their enterprises via social media reselling. This opportunity is particularly well-suited for individuals primarily engaged in domestic duties, pursuing academic endeavors, or seeking supplementary sources of income.

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