Snapchat has been a popular social media platform since its launch in 2011. With over 280 million daily active users, the app has become a hub for communication, entertainment, and self-expression. However, Snapchat has recently expanded its reach beyond the confines of our planet with a new feature called “Snapchat Planet Order.”

Snapchat Planet Order is a new augmented reality feature that allows users to explore and learn about the planets in our solar system. With this feature, users can place 3D models of the planets in their real-world surroundings and learn interesting facts about each planet. This feature is not only educational but also entertaining, as users can take pictures and videos with the planets and share them with their friends.

This new feature is part of Snapchat’s ongoing efforts to incorporate augmented reality into its platform. Snapchat has previously introduced AR filters and lenses that allow users to add playful animations to their pictures and videos. With Snapchat Planet Order, the app is taking a more educational approach to AR, making learning about the planets more interactive and engaging.

Understanding Snapchat’s Planetary Order

Concept of Snapchat Planets

Snapchat’s planetary order is a unique feature that allows users to organize their friends list based on their level of interaction. The concept of Snapchat planets is based on the idea that not all friends are equal and some are more important than others.

In Snapchat, the planetary order is divided into six planets, each representing a different level of interaction. The closer a friend is to the center of the universe, the more frequently they interact with the user. The six planets are:

  1. Inner Circle
  2. Good Friends
  3. Friends
  4. Acquaintances
  5. Other Snapchatters
  6. Everyone Else

Users can customize the planetary order by moving friends between planets. This feature allows users to prioritize their interactions and focus on the people who matter the most.

Origin of Planetary Order

Snapchat’s planetary order was first introduced in 2015 as a way to help users manage their friends list. The idea was inspired by the concept of Dunbar’s number, which suggests that humans can only maintain a limited number of stable social relationships.

The planetary order was also influenced by Snapchat’s core philosophy of ephemerality. The app is designed to encourage spontaneous and temporary interactions, and the planetary order helps users focus on the people they interact with the most.

Overall, the planetary order is a unique and useful feature that sets Snapchat apart from other social media platforms. It allows users to prioritize their interactions and maintain meaningful relationships in a fast-paced digital world.

Navigating the Snapchat Solar System

Accessing Planetary Features

Snapchat’s planetary features can be accessed by swiping left or right on the camera screen. Each planet represents a different feature, such as Chat, Stories, Discover, and Snap Map. Users can tap on a planet to access its corresponding feature.

Additionally, users can customize their planetary order by pressing and holding a planet and dragging it to a new location. This allows for a personalized experience and easy access to frequently used features.

Interacting with Planets

Once a user has accessed a planetary feature, they can interact with it in various ways. For example, in the Chat feature, users can send messages and snaps to friends. In the Stories feature, users can view and create their own stories to share with their friends.

In the Discover feature, users can explore curated content from various media outlets and publishers. The Snap Map feature allows users to see the location of their friends and explore events happening around the world.

Snapchat also offers various tools for customization, such as filters, lenses, and stickers. These features allow users to add their own personal touch to their snaps and stories.

Overall, navigating the Snapchat Solar System is a simple and intuitive process. With customizable planetary order and various interactive features, users can easily stay connected with their friends and explore new content.

Snapchat Planet Order Significance

Influence on User Experience

The Snapchat Planet Order has a significant impact on the user experience. It refers to the order in which a user’s friends are displayed on their profile page, which is based on the frequency and recency of their interactions with each friend. This feature allows users to easily access their closest friends and frequently contacted contacts.

The order of friends on the Snapchat Planet Order is dynamic, meaning it changes based on the user’s interactions with their friends. This feature helps to keep the user’s profile page fresh and relevant, making it easier for them to find and connect with their friends.

Impact on Content Discovery

The Snapchat Planet Order also has a significant impact on content discovery. The order in which friends are displayed on the user’s profile page can influence the content that the user sees. For example, if a user frequently interacts with a friend who posts a lot of stories, that friend’s stories will be displayed at the top of the user’s profile page.

This feature helps to surface content that is most relevant to the user, making it easier for them to discover new and interesting content. It also helps to promote engagement between users and their friends, as they are more likely to view and interact with content from their closest friends.

In conclusion, the Snapchat Planet Order is a key feature of the Snapchat app that has a significant impact on the user experience and content discovery. By dynamically ordering a user’s friends based on their interactions, it helps to keep the user’s profile page fresh and relevant, and promotes engagement between users and their friends.

Customizing Your Snapchat Universe

Personalizing Planet Order

Snapchat users can customize their Snapchat Universe by changing the order of the planets. This feature allows users to prioritize their favorite planets and make them more accessible. To personalize planet order, follow these simple steps:

  1. Tap on the “Explore” icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Swipe left to reveal the “Planets” tab.
  3. Press and hold on a planet and drag it to the desired position.
  4. Repeat step 3 for each planet until they are in the desired order.

Managing Planetary Settings

Snapchat users can also customize their planetary settings to further personalize their Snapchat experience. Planetary settings include options such as notifications, privacy, and more. To manage planetary settings, follow these simple steps:

  1. Tap on the “Explore” icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Swipe left to reveal the “Planets” tab.
  3. Tap on the planet you want to manage settings for.
  4. Tap on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  5. Adjust the settings to your liking.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each planet you want to manage settings for.

By personalizing planet order and managing planetary settings, Snapchat users can create a unique and tailored Snapchat Universe that suits their individual preferences.

Comparative Analysis

Snapchat vs. Other Social Media

Snapchat is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos that disappear after a short period. While Snapchat has a unique feature that sets it apart from other social media platforms, it also competes with other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

One of the main differences between Snapchat and other social media platforms is the nature of the content that users share. Snapchat is primarily used for sharing personal and casual content, while other social media platforms are used for sharing more professional and curated content. Additionally, Snapchat’s content disappears after a short period, which creates a sense of urgency and encourages users to engage with the platform more frequently.

Another difference between Snapchat and other social media platforms is the demographics of their user base. Snapchat is more popular among younger users, while Facebook and Twitter have a more diverse user base that includes older users. Instagram, on the other hand, has a similar user base to Snapchat in terms of age, but it has a larger user base overall.

User Engagement Metrics

Snapchat’s user engagement metrics are impressive. According to a recent report, Snapchat has over 280 million daily active users, and users spend an average of 30 minutes per day on the platform. Additionally, Snapchat has a high engagement rate, with users opening the app an average of 30 times per day.

Compared to other social media platforms, Snapchat’s user engagement metrics are competitive. For example, Facebook has over 2.7 billion monthly active users, but users spend an average of only 19 minutes per day on the platform. Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, and users spend an average of 28 minutes per day on the platform.

Overall, while Snapchat competes with other social media platforms, it has unique features and user engagement metrics that set it apart from the competition.

Future Developments

Upcoming Features

Snapchat has been constantly evolving since its inception, and the company has always been at the forefront of innovation in the social media space. In the future, Snapchat is expected to introduce several new features that will enhance the user experience and keep the platform relevant.

One of the most anticipated features is the integration of augmented reality (AR) technology. Snapchat has already made significant strides in this area with its popular lenses, but the company is expected to take it to the next level by introducing more advanced AR features. This could include the ability to virtually try on clothes or makeup, or even to play games in an augmented reality environment.

Another upcoming feature is the expansion of Snapchat’s e-commerce capabilities. The company has already introduced a feature that allows users to buy products directly from the app, and this is expected to be expanded in the future. This could include the introduction of a dedicated shopping section on the app, or the ability to make purchases through augmented reality experiences.

Predicted Trends in Social Media

Snapchat has always been a trendsetter in the social media space, and it’s expected to continue to influence the industry in the coming years. One of the biggest trends in social media is the increasing importance of privacy and security, and Snapchat is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend. The app’s disappearing messages and emphasis on privacy have already made it popular among younger users, and this trend is expected to continue.

Another predicted trend is the continued rise of short-form video content. With the success of platforms like TikTok, it’s clear that users are increasingly drawn to short, easily digestible video content. Snapchat has already introduced its own version of this with its Spotlight feature, which showcases short videos from users around the world. It’s expected that Snapchat will continue to focus on this type of content in the future.

Overall, Snapchat’s future looks bright, and the company is well-positioned to continue to innovate and stay ahead of the curve in the social media space. With its focus on privacy, augmented reality, and short-form video content, Snapchat is poised to remain a major player in the industry for years to come.


In conclusion, Snapchat Planet Order is an innovative feature that allows users to view and share content based on their location. The feature is easy to use and provides a unique way for users to connect with others in their area.

One of the key benefits of Snapchat Planet Order is its ability to bring users together based on shared interests and experiences. By allowing users to view content from other users in their area, Snapchat Planet Order creates a sense of community and belonging.

Another benefit of Snapchat Planet Order is its potential for businesses and advertisers. By targeting users based on their location, businesses can reach a more relevant and engaged audience. This could lead to increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and sales.

Overall, Snapchat Planet Order is a valuable addition to the Snapchat platform. Its ability to connect users based on location and interests makes it a unique and powerful tool for both personal and business use.

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